Whether you’re making a claim, checking your policy or just want to tell us you’ve moved house, everything you need to know is below.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? We’re only a phone call or a message away.
You may call Customer Care at (02) 8884 7000 or Domestic Toll-Free (1800) 1 888 6268, Monday to Friday, from 9AM to 5PM (except on holidays), or email phcustomercare@manulife.com.
You can also file a complaint through any of the following Customer Service channels:
We take customer concerns very seriously and aim to resolve them quickly and efficiently.
Concerns are categorized as either “Simple” or “Complex”. Please note that, during the handling process, a simple concern may progress into a complex one and turnaround times (TATs) may change depending on the complexity of the case.
This table summarizes the different stages of complaint handling based on their category and their respective TATs:
Stages | Category | Turnaround Time (TAT) |
Acknowledgement | Simple | Within 2 business days receipt of service concern |
Complex | Within 2 business days upon receipt of service concern | |
Processing and resolution of complaint | Simple | Within 7 business days upon receipt of service concern |
Complex | Within 45 business days upon receipt of complete service concern requirements |
Communication of resolution | Simple | Within 7 business days upon receipt of service concern |
Complex | Within 45 business days upon receipt of complete service concern requirements |
Our experts are here to help you get started:
10th Floor NEX Tower, 6786 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, 1229
Our service hour is from
Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
excluding public holidays.
We will be contacting you via your mobile to talk to you.
Please review the form and make sure you filled out all the necessary details.