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Your life later depends on the plans you build today.

Retirement may seem like a far-off future. But it's nearer than you think and it's crucial that you start planning for it today. Having a retirement plan and setting multiple sources of income to support your way of life can help you live a comfortable and financially independent life down the road.

Save smarter. Live better. Retire ready.

Would you rather take risks to earn more or play it safe? {0}


  • The resulting calculations are for illustration purposes only and is based on the customer's inputs.
  • The calculator helps you find the approximate retirement amount that you will require once you retire. The target retirement amount indicated in the calculator is not guaranteed. Actual performance is still subject to market performance.
  • Any result of this calculator is not in any way representing a proposal, offer, or promotion of Manulife China Bank Life's products, nor will the results form part of any policy the customer will purchase.