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When it comes to growing and protecting your wealth, make WealthOne, the one.

Why you should get it?

MCBL WealthOne provides you with life insurance protection and the opportunity to maximize the growth of your funds to secure yourself and your family. 
Receive a Guaranteed Start-up Bonus* of up to 1.5% of your single premium plus a Loyalty Bonus* for staying invested.
Maximize your money’s growth potential and diversify your investments through various global and local funds available.
Enjoy insurance protection as high as 500% of your single premium, and the flexibility to boost your coverage through add-on benefits.*
Experience easy application without medical requirements if certain conditions are met.
*Terms and conditions apply. Start-up bonus is applicable for single premium of Php1M/USD25,000 and above and/or if any rider is attached.


Want to learn more about MCBL WealthOne?

Talk to a Financial Sales Associate today.

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